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Next Pdf Converter PUA

1. Overview

This post describes a PUA similar to the sample mentioned in the following article.

If you would like to know more about the previous sample, the following articles are excellent. Thanks to the article for following up on the deficiency of my previous post.

2. Sample

This sample can be downloaded from the following URL.[.]com/

The this sample operations are as follows. This sample also uses WebView2 like the previous sample.

The single page app works as PDF converter as follows. In other words, this sample does not run WebView2 in hidden mode.

How is this single page application implemented? The main implementation of this app can be found at[xxxxxx].js. Analyzing js file has always been a pet hate of mine, but it is much easier than the previous sample.

This app uses the following API endpoints to convert jpg and other files to pdf files. It seems to be a legitimate pdf converter as it appears to be. I did not find any process that sent file to the attacker's infrastructure. What is malicious with this?
URLDescription upload task file uploaded file to pdf export task[GUID]Download file

3. cloudconvert API

The app uses hard-coded Bearer token to interact with the API. This token has task.write and permissions, which are used for tasks that convert files.

In the same way, I create Bearer token and try to convert a test file to PDF file. Unless deleting the export task, I was able to download the converted files from cloudconvert dashboard. This means that the developer of this app cloud access to the converted pdf file.

4. Conclusion

Finally, the analysis results indicate potential file theft, but cannot be labeled as completely malicious. However, this file clearly appears to be unwanted and I recommend that you remove it if this sample is running on your host.

5. IoC

The IoC is shown below. It may also be interesting to look at the various API endpoints associated with cloudconvert at hunting. In particular, can host any files and will be used for malware download site.
IoCType download site
pdf.activegn.comPUA app site
DE08BBD33EF34AF776C6F101BAFAC7759EEE2C331FB8BB7309F6F6AE9C8AA866free-pdf-convert.exe SHA256 hash
F41D8F573FAB3C9F2ABEBD9FB8C518917A1B8F90BF5CD406ED89D67C40CDBF16FreePDFConverter.exe SHA256 hash


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